Focal Presents Refreshed SOLO6 and TWIN6 Monitors… And New Subwoofer

Focal has become accustomed to sound perfectionists for its high-end equipment that meets even the most stringent expectations. How does he intend to delight us this time?
New Alto Professional Wireless System Just Hit the Ground Running

The Alto Professional Stealth Wireless MKII is a next-gen wireless solution that eliminates the need for up to 200’ cabling.
With Stealth Wireless MKII, it’s easy to add wireless audio connectivity to any active loudspeaker without compromising audio quality.
StompMan – Hughes & Kettner launches full-fledged guitar amp in Stompbox format

Introducing the latest addition to Hughes & Kettner’s successful AmpMan line!
Comeback of the Year? (Re)Introducing Maestro!

The legendary manufacturer of effect pedals from the ’60s and ’70s is back with five new models accompanied by the innovative spirit of their predecessors.
Epiphone Joan Jett Olympic Special is Coming to Europe

We dare say this is one of the most significant guitar releases of the year: a real treat for fans of Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, rock and roll, or simply – brilliant music.
Focal’s Alpha Evo Line Is Now Complete! Meet Three New Speakers

Focal is a brand that needs no introduction to fans of top-quality sound. That’s why we are so excited to announce the release of three new models of professional speakers signed with their logo!
New guitar models from Arrow

We were impatiently waiting for this moment, and now we can proudly announce: Arrow guitars from the latest collection are already available in our offer!
Lauda Central Europe Expands Marshall Distribution to New Countries

As Lauda Central Europe, we continue on the path of constant growth. At the beginning of 2022, we have extended the official distribution of Marshall brand equipment to new countries.
Introducing New Quality of Sound – The Premiere of LINEAR 9 Series

To say that LINEAR 9 is a high-profile premiere is like saying nothing at all. HK Audio’s new flagship line of sound equipment is the answer to the stringent requirements of even the most advanced users.
Audix Introduces A231Studio Vocal Microphone

Audix has been providing perfect condenser microphone solutions for years, pushing the boundaries further with each new device. It was no different with the launch of a new model: A231.